Videos and Articles

Hotel market shows continued resilience with a focus on luxury

Hotel market shows continued resilience with a focus on luxury

The hospitality industry remains challenged despite strong performance driving investment in the luxury hotel market.
Construction industry outlook

Construction industry outlook

In our 2023 construction industry outlook, we explore what's ahead for middle market business leaders.
Health savings account benefits for employees and employers

Health savings account benefits for employees and employers

Employee interest in health savings accounts (HSAs) has increased so employers should understand the benefits of offering them to employees.
IRS Dirty Dozen Top Tax Scams To Avoid

IRS Dirty Dozen Top Tax Scams To Avoid

Each year, the Internal Revenue Service publishes its annual Dirty Dozen list of tax scams highlighting various schemes that put taxpayers and their financial well-being at risk. In this video, we'll provide an overview of five of the top scams on the list.
SECURE 2.0: Considerations to achieve your workforce and business goals

SECURE 2.0: Considerations to achieve your workforce and business goals

Employers that understand SECURE 2.0's new requirements and the pros and cons of adopting optional provisions can implement the act effectively.
Properly Funding Your Living Trust

Properly Funding Your Living Trust

Failing to properly fund a living trust is one of the most common errors people make and can lead to unintended consequences and added costs for both the individual and their beneficiaries. In this video, we'll provide an overview of how to properly fund a living trust.
R&E Expense Amortization Got You Down?

R&E Expense Amortization Got You Down?

Now that Research & Experimentation expenses must be amortized over several years, many companies are looking for ways to increase deductions and reduce taxable income. Here are three opportunities to potentially accelerate depreciation and reduce your tax liability.
Does your company need an employee benefit plan audit?

Does your company need an employee benefit plan audit?

An employee benefit plan audit is a periodic and independent examination of a company’s benefit plans that are subject to ERISA. If your company currently offers or plans to offer an employee benefit plan, read this article to learn about audit requirements.
Protecting Your Finances During an Economic Downturn

Protecting Your Finances During an Economic Downturn

Many economists are predicting that the US economy will experience a downturn, if not a recession, in 2023. A downturn can lead to job loss, reduced income, and financial insecurity. While it's impossible to predict the future with certainty, there are steps you can take to protect your finances during a downturn.
Incentivize Employees With Stock Appreciation Rights Instead of Equity

Incentivize Employees With Stock Appreciation Rights Instead of Equity

Many business owners want to incentivize and reward employees by tying their compensation to the company's performance. One way to do this is through stock options, but using stock appreciation rights might be a better solution.
Minnesota passes tax conformity bill

Minnesota passes tax conformity bill

Minnesota enacts IRC conformity legislation, but much of the new bill is clarifying, not changing, the haphazard conformity of the prior law.
Crafting a buy-sell agreement for your business

Crafting a buy-sell agreement for your business

Buy-sell agreements are an essential tool for businesses with more than one owner. This type of agreement defines what will happen to the departing owner's share of the business if they leave. Learn about the benefits, key components, and important considerations of a buy-sell agreement for your business.
FASB Proposes Changes to Lease Accounting Rules

FASB Proposes Changes to Lease Accounting Rules

The Financial Accounting Standards Board recently issued a proposed Accounting Standards Update for Leases (Topic 842). The update addresses related-party arrangements between entities under common control. This video provides an overview of the proposed changes.
Year-End Income Tax Planning- including Gift & Estates

Year-End Income Tax Planning- including Gift & Estates

The end of the year is fast approaching, and with it comes the opportunity to reassess your tax and financial circumstances. Learn about strategies to help minimize your taxes for 2022.
4 ways nonprofits can drive mission impact

4 ways nonprofits can drive mission impact

Learn four key strategies that can help nonprofit organizations enhance their effectiveness and increase their mission impact.